From Site Features
As Packet Storm has various site areas, search functionality is tied to each specific section. This design minimizes overhead and optimizes response time.

Four sections are searchable: Files, News, Users, CVE

Valid search terms for Files, News, and Users are limited to the following:

  1. Alphanumeric characters
  2. The numeric identifier of an entry
  3. Periods, dashes, and underscores
  4. Spaces, when a query is encapsulated by double quotes
  5. Data between double quotes are a single search term
  6. A maximum of five search terms
  7. At least 4 characters in length and a max of 64 characters

Valid searching under CVE is a single CVE value in the format CVE-YYYY-#####

Although initial searches can take a few seconds to load, all searches are cached until a site update occurs or for 24 hours to optimize loads.

Searching via API access will get you the same results as you would normally see from a browser, minus the advertisements. Full data on API usage can be accessed here.

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