2025-02-11: 9 news articles added 2025-02-11: 74 files added 2025-01-22: 1 voting poll added 2025-02-05 (1738713600) Popularity can be a curse. Currently debugging a memory leak of about 750 bytes per request on average which leads to many gigs of ram leaking over about 12 hours. You may see 404s occasionally as the daemons are restarted while debugging. Yay overly complicated massive dependency-requiring frameworks with a million moving layers. Maybe a rewrite of the code base in awk tied to a raw openssl binding on tcp/443 will calm the nerves. It certainly would be easier to debug. 2025-01-29 (1738108800) Thanks to sizzles for pointing out a few minor error conditions based on forms. They have been addressed. ... [ View Full Changelog ] |
The security industry loves labeling people with hats as though life and security is black and white. Packet Storm feels this is a bit silly but some people take their hat very seriously. What sort of hat do you wear most? | |
Answers | Results |
White hat - I only hack for the good of humanity. | 20% |
Gray hat - I understand there's a balance to learning. | 50% |
Black hat - I enjoy crime and the prospect of prison. | 0% |
Red hat - I'm just a Linux System Administrator. | 0% |
Top hat - Why don't we bring back top hats? They used to be a thing. | 10% |
I don't wear hats because my hair rocks. | 20% |
2025-02-11: 9 news articles added 2025-02-11: 74 files added 2025-01-22: 1 voting poll added 2025-02-05 (1738713600) Popularity can be a curse. Currently debugging a memory leak of about 750 bytes per request on average which leads to many gigs of ram leaking over about 12 hours. You may see 404s occasionally as the daemons are restarted while debugging. Yay overly complicated massive dependency-requiring frameworks with a million moving layers. Maybe a rewrite of the code base in awk tied to a raw openssl binding on tcp/443 will calm the nerves. It certainly would be easier to debug. 2025-01-29 (1738108800) Thanks to sizzles for pointing out a few minor error conditions based on forms. They have been addressed. ... [ View Full Changelog ] |
The security industry loves labeling people with hats as though life and security is black and white. Packet Storm feels this is a bit silly but some people take their hat very seriously. What sort of hat do you wear most? | |
Answers | Results |
White hat - I only hack for the good of humanity. | 20% |
Gray hat - I understand there's a balance to learning. | 50% |
Black hat - I enjoy crime and the prospect of prison. | 0% |
Red hat - I'm just a Linux System Administrator. | 0% |
Top hat - Why don't we bring back top hats? They used to be a thing. | 10% |
I don't wear hats because my hair rocks. | 20% |